Asian .jpg Index What's Way To Make Caucasian Skin Delicate And Smooth Like Far East Asian Skin?

What's way to make caucasian skin delicate and smooth like far east asian skin? - asian .jpg index

I like the skin of the girls from the Far East. Bright, soft and delicate. @ N05 ... ... ... ... ... ...


canadien... said...

Eat a diet containing low fat, lots of vegetables and lean protein, with a multivitamin, drink plenty of water and, above all, a stay in the sun! Wear a hat, use sunscreen and even umbrellas and moisture of your skin. Do not use a solarium products. Facial skin peeling once a week can also get rid of layers of dead skin cells and increases blood circulation your face. I live in Japan, and I am always amazed ... Most people have skin really well here. I work in a hospital, and most dermatologists and doctors I've asked said that helps to limit and stay well hydrated to sunlight, certainly, but more importantly the common system of local vegetables, lean protein. When your body receives a large number of proteins and minerals you need in the first place, which appears on the skin.

Soaring Bird said...

Now understand, first of all that these photos were professionally done and the problem was likely on a professional make-up artist whose sole job is to make your skin look amazing! ;-)

But it would be some good advice:

- Keep the sun
- Peeling of the skin, if you always new cells to the surface and not as dead, the scales
- Keep supplies your skin with moisture, so they do not always dry, scaly, or slimy
- Use a cream to ease (from the color of their skin, many Asian women)
- Stay hydrated that your skin does not dry out
- If you have problems with acne, a prescription for Retin-A from a dermatologist, but it really works!

Finally, a primer to use on your face before the foundation is the best shape of your face incredibly smooth, before makeup.

Hope this helps! :-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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