Cardy Style Ugg Look Alikes Where Can I Get A Cheaper Version Of The Ugg Cardy?

Where can I get a cheaper version of the Ugg Cardy? - cardy style ugg look alikes

I'm looking for this for my girlfriend. It does not really see all the Ugg boot, and wear shoes without socks in the winter and do not want (she wears shoes) looking at things. I'm looking for a company that makes the boat looks like the Ugg Cardy and do not cost as much as Uggs. I can not find made by EMU, everyone knows if the company makes them? You know where I am in the same style with good quality, may find it cheaper? Thank you!


Anonymous said...

I saw some of the other day, too limited
idk quality if they are good or not Tho
and 21 Street

Anonymous said...

You can buy $ 79 USD Cardy

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