Reiki Autism My Son Is Suffering From Albinism And Autism .i Am Reiki Master Do I Give Healing Treatment To My Son?

My son is suffering from albinism and autism .i am reiki master do i give healing treatment to my son? - reiki autism

of 1 years nistagmus.we 7 months old.he PDB his speech therapy is started, because he said nothing, and behavioral disorders therapy.please help me, the best of my abilities Reiki.


Alfred said...

Have you tried homeopathy. I've heard a lot of success.

Unity said...

Bring your child in his arms, and offers a place pure Reiki through you to your son without being tied to the outcome of the healing session. Compensation out of the way that Reiki can operate without personal fears and equipment your child's condition is the best choice because it can be more healing. This can be difficult, taking place mainly because he is a boy, but stands in a place of pure love and light and healing.

Be sure to help the call of God and all the leaders, the ascended masters and angels in your practice, help and healing through you.

The best intentions can be that the cure is for your son to be healed, is totally, 100% healthy and able to live your life with ease. Please note that these diseases for him as life lessons for your child can be elected, you and your family.

Many blessings!

Unity said...

Bring your child in his arms, and offers a place pure Reiki through you to your son without being tied to the outcome of the healing session. Compensation out of the way that Reiki can operate without personal fears and equipment your child's condition is the best choice because it can be more healing. This can be difficult, taking place mainly because he is a boy, but stands in a place of pure love and light and healing.

Be sure to help the call of God and all the leaders, the ascended masters and angels in your practice, help and healing through you.

The best intentions can be that the cure is for your son to be healed, is totally, 100% healthy and able to live your life with ease. Please note that these diseases for him as life lessons for your child can be elected, you and your family.

Many blessings!

Unity said...

Bring your child in his arms, and offers a place pure Reiki through you to your son without being tied to the outcome of the healing session. Compensation out of the way that Reiki can operate without personal fears and equipment your child's condition is the best choice because it can be more healing. This can be difficult, taking place mainly because he is a boy, but stands in a place of pure love and light and healing.

Be sure to help the call of God and all the leaders, the ascended masters and angels in your practice, help and healing through you.

The best intentions can be that the cure is for your son to be healed, is totally, 100% healthy and able to live your life with ease. Please note that these diseases for him as life lessons for your child can be elected, you and your family.

Many blessings!

Mary K said...

I'm not sure what is albinism and I Reiki. However ... I'm on essential oils and are known to help cognitive function. In addition, you should naturapathy after a doctor who has the test muscle. If there is truth in the belief that it is caused by environmental factors, that a good cleaning may be needed cause! They need someone who can do it, but be sure to see! You can find pure essential oils in the country a My 2 cousins are autistic, and lavender is one that has helped when they are at their peak. His older brother was diagnosed with OCD and ask for oil, says it makes you feel better if it was only his mother seeking help because they could be much better paid! God bless you and your son, and good luck!

Mary K said...

I'm not sure what is albinism and I Reiki. However ... I'm on essential oils and are known to help cognitive function. In addition, you should naturapathy after a doctor who has the test muscle. If there is truth in the belief that it is caused by environmental factors, that a good cleaning may be needed cause! They need someone who can do it, but be sure to see! You can find pure essential oils in the country a My 2 cousins are autistic, and lavender is one that has helped when they are at their peak. His older brother was diagnosed with OCD and ask for oil, says it makes you feel better if it was only his mother seeking help because they could be much better paid! God bless you and your son, and good luck!

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