Loose Weight Pills If You Take Diet Pills To Loose Weight Can It Hurt Your Chances In Getting Pregnant?

If you take diet pills to loose weight can it hurt your chances in getting pregnant? - loose weight pills

Right now I'm tryin to lose weight and took a wife Slim Fast diet pill, and my husband and I will still try to have a baby in a month.


Pedsgurl said...

I do not know if it hurts the chances of conveiving, but I'm sure it is safe to take during pregnancy. As you may be pregnant a few weeks before you have a missed period, I ignore it for now.

Good luck!

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Jessica S said...

First, it depends on what you are taking. When I looked at diet pills as birth control screw up my system and keeps me from getting pregnant. One of my friends was totally diet pills and became pregnant with her first shot. Depends not only on what you are taking, but himself. If you are trying to get pregnant I would suggest the use of the pills. If you're not pregnant after a few months you can go back and try again to lose weight. Or go back to trying to get pregnant and lose weight first. Good luck!

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