How Long For Cervix To Drop For Period Could This Be Inplantation Bleeding Or Early Period??Hlp PLz Or Info On It Thanks..?

Could this be inplantation bleeding or early period??Hlp PLz or info on it Thanks..? - how long for cervix to drop for period

Now, try me and her husband, for the number 3 of the boy ... Well, I ovulate 26-25 September. We had sex 2 days before "or" and the day of the "o" and after "or" ..
Done I went to progestrone levels 6DPO have and, 18.8 ..
At 11 DPO was Sunday (yesterday evening) wipper blood When I got when I put my fingers until I realized that the neck open and saw a lil high.
When I lifted my finger, I noticed a little more than blood was a rose .. maroon
I do not even get what a book .. just when I wipe.
But when I sit on the toilet for a long couple of drops of blood comes .... So I asked myself if possible, or bleeding Inplant time? If anyone knows more information about the extent of bleeding, there is and how long ...

Thank you guys so much!


Brandon K said...

does not appear in spite of everything "right" to translate the right time to ovulation is not always in the pregnancy, have a good chance of being pregnant. what you describe, looks like it could be the introduction of bleeding is usually brown or pink color.

If you PMS symptoms and is usually some now .. This does not mean that the pregnancy .. my wife has PMS symptoms and still pregnant. The only difference is that they are turned off and its time and never turned out as usual.

I suggest testing a first response early results. my wife is 10dpo results.

Good luck!

silvrbre... said...

Sorry to say, but in my experience, it was only one period of light. It seems that every time I want to get pregnant, I have a very strange light, I long to freak. If this trend continues for a few days and is never heavy or disappears completely in order to confirm a pregnancy test, but not a lot of stress. I would bet money that only one period of light.

Better luck next month, even if you do not continue to bleed.

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