Will Legal Services Do I Need A Degree And License In Paralegal In Other To Render Legal Services For Money?

Do I need a degree and license in paralegal in other to render legal services for money? - will legal services

I do not have a degree in philosophy and would really like to study for law school. But I want my own office, where I provide legal services to the public. What do I need another way to achieve this goal. If you think it is possible that other breeds, which I for one who loves the law, without having to go back to school? his advice and his opinion is highly valued.


maigen_o... said...

You are not authorized to give legal advice. A degree in philosophy is not very interesting to study law, you have to do if you want to be a lawyer. You must also pass the bar exam in your state. I have this opportunity to reiterate, are not qualified, legal advice, please do not try. Attorneys go through years of schooling, and then the training carried out every year. She holds a BA in Philosophy from the use a target.

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